joi, 20 septembrie 2012

Marketing Libidinos.

For a company that has recently and notoriously lost a huge copyright infringement suit to still use comparative marketing, it takes huge balls. 

 As we all know, balls don't have brains, even though they do have their fair amount of fans.


Other than that, great way to create buzz and shift buyers, but it won't get you any brand evangelists, Samsung. You'll always be Coke Zero! And please start designing large-pocket jeans as an accessory to your super-Amoled tennis racquets phones.

And then, there's Apple's embellishing tendency for product description:

"Another brilliant feature of Lightning: it’s reversible. Which means there’s no wrong way to plug in the cable."
 They're talking about the new cable. Which is nothing short than Brilliant. You can now be a crazy one, a misfit and a rebel, by plugging the cable the other way around.

Funny thing is, it never struck me as bullshit when Steve Jobs was selling us "the latest techno-intellectual fashion resort" through visual hyperboles, but these guys seem full of IT.

marți, 28 august 2012

Cine e un fulg de nea unic si special?

Nimeni nu-i perfect, dar fiecare e unic.
Suntem 7 miliarde , 7 miliarde1, 7 miliarde 2...

Tu stii ca ai defecte. Stii care sunt, chiar daca nu mi le zici.  Si mai cunosti cativa cu defecte mai mari si mai multe ca ale tale. Daca stai mai bine sa te gandesti, toti cunoscutii tai au defecte. Stai linistit, si ai mei la fel. Iar cand te gandesti ca prietenii prietenilor nostri probabil se cunosc intre ei, realizezi ca balanta atarna zdrobitor in favoarea viciatilor.

De fapt, imi dau seama ca sunt foarte putini cei care Nu intra in categoria asta.

Eu nu mai stiu pe nimeni care sa nu vorbeasca tare, sa nu te-ntrebe porcarii cand ti-e lumea mai draga, sa nu se-aseze cu 1 picior si 3 sferturi pe biroul tau, cat sa para ca nu sta bine si ca nu-ti lasa, de fapt, o mostra a miresmei dintre buzunarele lui pe masa unde tu lucrezi; cineva care sa-si vada de treaba, sa-si scormoneasca craniul cu pronuntata protuberanta occipitala dupa idei de texte persuasive si apoi sa le scrie, sa le taie, sa le rescrie, totul fara a apasa pe enter zgomotos, ca la masina de scris.

Fara zgomot, fara deranj.

Si daca am stabilit deja ca mai nimeni nu-i perfect, dar toti suntem diferiti, te gandesti la ce ma gandesc si eu: cineva e perfect.
Unul singur, evident.

Multumesc ca v-ati gandit la mine.
Sunt flatat!

marți, 24 ianuarie 2012

How facebook protesters influence iPhone reception

Water is the source of existence and everything has water in it. My dog does. My food does. Suprisingly, my coffee does, too. And so on.

I like water, because if i didn’t, i’d end up hating everything, because every living thing is made of water. I guess i wouldn’t hate an iPhone, because It is water-free. At least they don’t mention that aspect on their website. Well, mine isn’t. My phone is clean. On the inside, that is. Oh, i forgot to mention: on this planet, we use water to wash things. This is why my little touchscreen spying tracking device is now clean.

Last night I had to study for an exam I took today. It went great. I might just pass. So I read about one third of everything I had planned to and went to sleep. I woke up feeling all scrupulous about what was left to learn. So learning is what i did and then I went into the bathroom and put my music-playing phone on the shelf, so that it would play some music while I took a shower. As always. The only thing that’s changed is the fact that my country is going through some sort of revolution these days, with people protesting against the president and his counterparties, so I got my civic spirit up and ready and signed up to a facebook group that proposed a never-before seen political agenda, that will certainly better all our lives. Find it here.

Facebook is a purposeful time-waste with blue colors and girls proud about going places or cooking cakes. And brands pretending to be people.

All sorts of enthuziasts started posting their frustrations, demands and hopes for better future given away by the government on this facebook page.

So much so that when I woke up feeling all scrupulous about studying, i had 40+ notifications on my phone. But then nothing for a few hours. Political complaints stopped. Such nice, working, considerate people to have stopped so I could read some more. Skip ahead to the shower and the music. I guess the nice people were on lunch break, because the notifications started interrupting my playlist. Before I knew it, my otherwise always-dry phone joined me in the shower. Loved the change in its attitude.

It made me realise that peaceful protests actually do influence stuff to adjust their perspective. Maybe people too, but this surely isn’t the point. The point is that we’ve always been looking for water on other planets, when intelligent aliens most likely know better than to keep their smartphones next to ponds.